The #Me#Us#Now project, which aims to provide resources for teaching teams to implement sustainable values in VET, has gathered in the city of Graz, Austria, for its first Learning Activity on October 9, 10 and 11.
During the three days, six workshops were held in each participating country (Italy, Austria, Ireland and Spain). All of them had in common the search for measures related to climate change and the creation of a set of activities – actions to be carried out in the face of the environmental crisis.
One of the novelties of this meeting, held at the Jugend Am Werk vocational training center, was that each country brought students to lead the sessions as role models, or in other words, drivers of change. The role models of each country will implement the actions developed in these workshops, and in the following months 10 of them will be implemented. Together with the Ikaslan Bizkaia team, the graduate student in hospitality, Martin Cataldi, has attended the event, presenting his testimony on climate change and highlighting the Azurmendi Restaurant of Eneko Atxa, a building designed from its installation to be as sustainable as possible and careful with the environment.
At each meeting held, activities have been implemented to stimulate role models and encourage them to develop activities that promote changes in their respective places of residence. At the same time, a platform arises from these meetings where students and teachers can interact and propose activities and good practices that favor respect for the environment.
On the other hand, the European network E.N.T.E.R. Network GMBH (Austria), presented in its workshop the pedagogical tool created in 2018, Climate Fresk, an NGO whose objective is to constitute a network of people and organizations, capable of rapidly transmitting quality climate education, reaching a social turning point towards a lower carbon world. In parallel, The Climate Mural project allows anyone to initiate constructive actions in the face of climate change challenges.
The next meeting will be held in Vincenza, Italy, at EuroCultura’s headquarters, where the same role models will attend to discuss the actions carried out and the results obtained.