Start: December 1, 2022
End: November 30, 2024
Erasmus+ program. Key Action 2: Cooperation between organizations and institutions.
The purpose of the Educhampios project is to foster an entrepreneurial mindset among teaching teams so that they drive improvements in educational approaches that ensure equal opportunities for those undergoing training.
Reference number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000089686
- Ikaslan Bizkaia, Basque Country, Spain(Coordinator).
- Mindshift Talent Advisory lda, Portugal.
- İnovasyon Girişimcilik Eğitim ve Araştırma Derneği, Turkey.
- Foundation Maker’s Place Private Company, Greece.
- Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology LTD-Cardet, Cyprus.
- Disruptia, SLU, Spain.
- Training 2000 psc, Italy.
- Biedriba Eurofortis, Latvia.
The main objective of the project is to enhance the edupreneur mindset, the entrepreneurial spirit within the field of education, so that teachers and training specialists act as catalysts for improvements in training processes that ensure equity and equal opportunities. These changes involve new student-centered pedagogies and technologies applied to the field of education, which have a lot to contribute.
To achieve this goal, we will develop the following elements:
- EduChampions Interactive Board. Interactive infographics that showcase the stories and achievements of inspiring edupreneurs who, through their innovative practices rooted in inclusion, equity, and diversity, contributed to transforming their local educational ecosystems.
- EduChampions Learning Path.
- Training itinerary for educators and education specialists to enhance their skills in educational entrepreneurship and the development of new strategies to address students’ needs in educational settings. This includes combining active learning pedagogies with the use of relevant digital tools. The learning journey will be divided into three learning stations:
- Pedagogy: frameworks and meaningful strategies to address student diversity.
- Technology: digital tools to implement pedagogical strategies in in-person, remote, and hybrid learning environments.
- Edupreneurship: exploration of business strategies and the role of entrepreneurial individuals in the field of education.
- Thematic toolkit of interactive resources matching with the content topics and sub-topics. An open-access online platform that brings together interactive infographics and EduChampions learning modules, along with self-assessment tools and interactive exercises, organized in a way that facilitates flexible and personalized exploration and transfer to real-world applications.
Interactive board
Interactive infographics showcasing the achievements of edupreneurs who have influenced change in their educational ecosystems.
Coming Soon
Learning path
Informative itinerary through which teaching teams can develop their skills in the field of educational entrepreneurship
Coming Soon
Online Learning Stations
An open-access online platform that will gather the infographics, tools, and exercises developed by EduChampions.
Coming Soon