Start: March 1, 2022
End: February 19 2024
Erasmus+ program. Action 2: Cooperation between organizations and institutions.
The #Me#Us#Now project aims to provide resources to teaching teams to enable them to integrate sustainable values into Vocational Education and Training (VET) and their educational programs.
Reference number: 2021-2-AT01-KA220-VET-000047962
On the website of #Me#Us#Now, the results and documents produced are collected
- Jugend Am Werk Steiermark GMBH, Austria (Coordinator).
- Meath Community Rural And Social Development Partnership Limited, Ireland.
- Ikaslan Bizkaia, Basque Country, Spain.
- E.N.T.E.R. Network GMBH, Austria.
- Eurocultura, Italy.
- Collect information about the perception of young people with low qualifications regarding climate change for the creation of a transnational report, combining research with surveys conducted among teaching staff and students.
- Design and implement activities in VET centers of each collaborating country to raise awareness among the target audience about climate change and analyze the outcomes.
- Develop a guide with the research findings to be used by the teaching team in implementing resources about climate change, aiming to motivate students to engage in activities to counter environmental degradation.
- Launch an online platform to provide free access to the results and resources obtained through the #Me#Us#Now initiative.
Transnational Report
Check out the results of the first field research conducted by the #Me#Us#Now consortium, carried out in the four involved countries through surveys conducted among students and teachers.
Teacher’s guide
A guide of reference created using the data collected throughout the project for implementation in teaching.